Tuesday, July 2, 2019

A4.7.9 meta: o pokroku

Here's how things are going with my Czech learning currently:

I have been having a lot of false restarts, and it's really difficult to find the kind of time this project deserves/needs/sucks up because of the fact that I am home with 5 children, and it's summer.

I haven't skyped with any of my learning partners since the end of April, and I feel kind of terrible about it.

I had been waffling over how to approach my approach. Haha. Throw it out, adjust it, just go with it - I couldn't commit. I also have been dealing with a substantial amount of postpartum anxiety in my personal life. Fortunately, that problem seems to have been solved, or at least resolved: I weaned my 10 month old baby, and have started to feel normal again.

"Feeling normal" means I want to work on Czech. It's something I crave when I feel normal, actually. When I feel a massive amount of anxiety, the whole thing seems to daunting and I am paralyzed, not knowing what to do or where to start.

But I have a really clear roadmap, and I'm going to follow it through. I decided to work through 17 weeks of A4 until I redesign the whole thing (to be called A5, which is, well, stupid, but...I'd rather call it that) - already I am thinking of ways I can do that successfully. But for now, I will just plow forward.

I decided that I'm personally just completely fine with skipping around from "unit" to unit. I also realized that I have to reduce the target words from 10 to 3 in order to get this done in anything that even vaguely resembles a reasonable time frame.

So. Yeah. Tally-ho. Onward. I spent some time updating the conditional formatting in the google sheets spreadsheet where I track this stuff. It will be glorious to see the whole thing "golden". My goal is to have that done by the time the kids go back to school. I think I can manage.

I must be feeling a lot better, to feel that confident!

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