Saturday, June 1, 2019

A4.6.9 meta: o pokroku

I put aside Czech for about two months because of two things:

1. Lice struck my family. Invaded, rather. It was horrible.

2. I "firehosed" the book I've been writing. The Grundbücherbuch. My collaborator called it this once and that is how I have ever referred to it since.

But now it is summer and I miss Czech immeasurably. I decided to go ahead and work really hard at the plan I already have in place to see if I can't just, well, move forward.

Also, it's totally strange that my blog's readership here spiked by about 12x. I am scratching my head a little bit. But the internet is weird. I'll just proceed as normal.

"Normal" means I am in a fishbowl, but it's in the corner of a masssssssssive aquarium. So it's unlikely to attract much notice.

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