Wednesday, November 7, 2018

A3.6 meta


If I copy and paste my text into word or some other text editor it can preserve some of the rich formatting without destroying line wrapping. It messes up the fonts but that's of slightly less consequence.

I do not think it would be wise to fully automate the job of gathering sentences to a corpus. But it could help. I am still not exactly sure in what ways I can use this new, amazing tool to help with my language learning. I am only sure that I will find ways.

I decided to automate some of the task of creating these various documents by having my collaborators fill out a form. It has the added benefit that I can ask collaborators to participate on facebook - maybe this will increase participation.

What I really need are more collaborators who want to mercilessly edit the crap out of my work. It is too big of a job for one person, especially at present. But I can't let this stop my learning.

I recorded a brief clip from HP 1.5 almost two weeks ago now, but my mute button was on. Note to self: check the mute button.

It has been massively difficult to find the time to work on these projects because 1. my free time has been going to introspection and my personal feelings, trying to deal with postpartum anxiety (which seems like maybe it is starting to abate, hooray), and of course juggling my responsibilities of caring for my family and IRL friends. 2. I have been hesitant to continue because I am trying to understand and figure out the collaboration piece of my efforts to learn Czech better. I still don't have the answers.

I think my anxiety is actually a really great thing in that it trusts nothing and nobody. Anxious Kate and Researcher Kate can get along really well for this reason, though Researcher Kate is a She is my favorite version of myself, actually, if you want to know the truth. The sad part is that I guess Anxious Kate gets in the way of collaborating with others, which is totally necessary because I Don't Know What I Don't Know and I definitely don't want to end up back on Mount Stupid, where I was about 2 years ago before I realized that I had to learn Czech in order to succeed at any of my genealogical endeavors.

The Great Quest for Czech Female Collaborators continues. I have about 30 messages in that conversation exchange portal to which I need to respond. And the baby is now begging to nurse so that's it for now.

I hope to both start and complete kapitolu 7 this week but we shall see how that goes.

1 comment:

  1. Later - after exploring the idea of a form - I trashed it completely. It won't work as well as I thought it would.
