Wednesday, November 7, 2018

HP 1.6 - Nástupiště devět a tři čtvrtě - definice

36 definite points, 2 potential points.
If I get those extra 2 points, that would give me 92%! Finally a satisfactory grade!
If I only get 36 points, that is still not so bad, with an 87%. I can live with that.

(Actually, I never did find out whether or not I had gotten it correct. Maybe I will someday.)
Já bez pomoci
Marie z Kladně
J.K. Rowlingová

1.      V mnoha ohledech to bylo lepší, za čas ho to však přece jen začalo skličovat.
In many views? it was better, that time for him started to...
Although this was an improvement in many ways, it did become a bit depressing after a while.
            1 - although I guessed this was to worry about something, I think the meaning is pretty similar between to be disheartened and to feel worry and anxiety. Ha. Ask me how I know this.
V mnoha ohledech = v mnoha aspektech...

2.                  Léhával na posteli a dlouho do noci četl, a Hedvíka létala otevřeným oknem ven a zase dovnitř, jak se zachtělo.
He ...ed from the bed and read all through the night, and Hedwig flew through the open window outside and in, as she wished.
He lay on his bed reading late into the night, Hedwig swooping in and out of the open window as she pleased.
1 - but I think that my sentence does not exactly quite work. At least, in English, it is the wrong register, because it is talking about farting. It just seems a lot like a verb aspect difference in Czech, but I am not really sure. I need to figure that out.
He used to lie in bed and read until late night and … (then like já bez pomoci)
Lehával … he used to lie…
Ležel….   He lay...

3.                  Na nádraží King’s Cross dorazili v půl jedenácté.
They arrived? at King’s Cross Station at half-an-hour to eleven.
They reached King’s Cross at half past ten.

4.                  “Přeji ti pěkný školní rok, Harry,” řekl strýc Vernon, usmál se ještě ošklivěji než předtím, otočil se a byl pryč.
“Have a nice school year, Harry,” said Uncle Vernon, smiling a little nastier than before, and left.
“Have a good term,” said Uncle Vernon with an even nastier smile. He left without another word.
1 - note how this is not the exact same meaning in English.

5.                  Nakonec dlouhými kroky zamířil pryč a mumlal si pro sebe něco o lidech, kteří ho zbůhdarma připravují o čas.
After two steps he disappeared? away and mumbled to himself something about people, who God …? kept stealing? his time.
Zbůhdarma = zbytečně, nadarmo, pro nic za nic…
In the end the guard strode away, muttering about time wasters.
             Zamířit puškou (lukem, šípem) na terč
Robin Hood zamířil na jablko na chlapcově hlavě
Loď zamířila do přístavu = změnila směr a vydala se k přístavu

Zbůhdarma = zbytečně, bez jakéhokoli prospěšného výsledku
Zbůhdarma se válel v posteli
Zbůhdarma tady žvaníš, místo, abys něco udělal

6.                  Chlapec, který vypadal nejstarší, zamířil k nástupištím číslo devět a deset.
A boy who looked to be the oldest, disappeared? into the what’s-that-dumb-word-again-in-English nine and ten.
Zamířit = mířit, namířit, zaměřit, směřovat…
What looked like the oldest boy marched toward platforms nine and ten.
1 - note the difference between the versions

7.                  Jeho dvojče za ním ještě křiklo, ať si pospíší, a on to opravdu udělal, poněvadž vteřinu nato byl už pryč - ale jak to dokázal?
His twin still ...ed, and he really did, so that in a second he was already gone - but how had it happened?
Mohu na někoho křiknout, zakřičet…
His twin called after him to hurry up, and he must have done so, because a second later, he had gone — but how had he done it?
Křiknout - zakřičet, ale jen velmi krátce, jedno dvě slova...

8.                  Byl hubený a vyčouhlý, měl pihovatý obličej, velké ruce a nohy a dlouhý nos.
He was skinny and …., he had a ….face, big hands and feet and a long nose.
Vyčouhlý v tomto případě znamená vysoký a hubený, říkáme samá ruka, samá noha :-)), ve spojitosti s člověkem se v běžném hovoru nepoužívá, ale mohou mi odněkud vyčuhovat vlasy nebo nějaké věci, předměty…
He was tall, thin, and gangling, with freckles, big hands and feet, and a long nose.
1 - note to self: gangling = lanky. I would probably say lanky. Actually, I would probably never say it, which is precisely what Marie was saying.

9.                  Přední vozy byly už plné studentů; někteří se vykláněli z oken a bavili se se svými rodinami, zatímco další se ještě prali o sedadla.
The first cars were already full of students etc.
The first few carriages were already packed with students, some hanging out of the window to talk to their families, some fighting over seats.
1 - although this is also a really great old fashioned vehicle term that I missed.

10.              “Nemohu se zdržet dlouho, máti,” řekl. “Sedím vepředu pro prefekty jsou vyhrazená dvě kupé -”
“I can’t do … long, …” he said. “I’m sitting in the front for prefects are ….”
“Can’t stay long, Mother,” he said. “I’m up front, the prefects have got two compartments to themselves —”
1 - note that this is not quite the same in English
Vyhrazená, rezervovaná, určená jen pro někoho…
Židle v čele stolu je vyhrazená pro hlavu rodiny...

11.              “A jak to, že Percy má nový hábit?” ozval se jeden z dvojčat.
“Oh really, Percy has a new …?” asked? one of the twins.
“How come Percy gets new robes, anyway?” said one of the twins.
Ozvat se = být slyšet
              V kuchyni se ozvaly divné zvuky
              V lese se ozvalo několik výstřelů
               Zítra se ozvi! = zítra mně kontaktuj!


12.              Políbila ho na tvář a Percy odkráčel.
She kissed him on the face and Percy ….ed.
She kissed Percy on the cheek and he left.
Strode away

13.              “Opravdu ji má - jako když udeří blesk.”
“She really has - as if she...”
It’s really there — like lightning.”
1 - I am not sure if my sentence works.

14.              Bylo slyšet zahvízdání.
It was to listen??
A whistle sounded.
.5 - I did get the music part but I did not really get the “whistle” part.

15.              Harry pocítil nesmírné vzrušení.
Harry felt incredibly ….
Harry felt a great leap of excitement.
TO BE DETERMINED, but probably I did not get this one.

16.              Heleď, my jdem doprostřed vlaku - Lee Jordan tam má obrovskou tarantuli.”
“Look, we are going to the front of the car - Lee Jordan has some ….tarantula up there.”
Heleď = podívej se, hle helď, dívej, koukni se, poslyš, poslouchej, mrkni (hovorově), čum (expresivně). Podivení se nad něčím, upozornění na něco…
“Listen, we’re going down the middle of the train — Lee Jordan’s got a giant tarantula down there.”
1 - in Czech, you look rather than listen I guess.

17.              Nejspíš si myslel, že řekl příliš mnoho, poněvadž se zase upřeně zahleděl ven z okna.
He actually thought, that he was saying too much, because once again he looked ….ly out the window.
He sat and stared at Harry for a few moments, then, as though he had suddenly realized what he was doing, he looked quickly out of the window again.
1 - I think fixedly and without blinking carry the same meaning here.

18.              “Chápeš, jak to myslím? Spoustu věcí se musím teprve naučit...Vsadím se.”
“You know what I think? I have a lot of things … to learn. I’m…”
“I’m not trying to be brave or anything, saying the name,” said Harry, “I just never knew you shouldn’t. See what I mean? I’ve got loads to learn. . . . I bet,” he added, voicing for the first time something that had been worrying him a lot lately, “I bet I’m the worst in the class.”
.5 - I got the part about it being thoughts about the future that could possibly be go badly, but I missed the other half, the one where the glass is half full.

19.              Zatímco si spolu povídali, vlak vyjel z Londýna a teď projížděl mezi loukami plnými krav a ovcí.
Up to this point they both had been looking at each other, the train had left London and now was going? between hills? full of cows and goats.
Louka = zemědělská kultura, větší přírodní plocha souvisle porostlá trávou, bylinami, kvítím (květy, kytky)…
While they had been talking, the train had carried them out of London. Now they were speeding past fields full of cows and sheep.
1 - I should get an extra point for getting the fact that this is a meadow and not just any other old field!

20.              Harry, který neměl nic k snídani, okamžitě vyskočil, Ronovi však znovu zčervenaly uši a zamumlal, že s sebou má obložené chleby. Harry vyšel na chodbu.
Harry, who hadn’t had anything for breakfast, quickly? noticed? that Ron’s ears had turned red and he was mumbling that he had….bread. Harry left for the corridor?
Harry went out into the corridor.

21.              “Mamka vždycky zapomene, že já lančmít nerad.”
“Mom always forgets that I don’t like bologna???”
“She always forgets I don’t like corned beef.”

22.              “Nevykládej a vezmi si,” řekl Harry, který ještě nikdy neměl nic, oč by se s někým rozdělil, a vlastně ani nikoho, s kým by se dělil.
“Don’t …. and bring it here,” said Harry, who still didn’t know anything about which to choose and didn’t have anyone to share it with?
“Go on, have a pasty,” said Harry, who had never had anything to share before or, indeed, anyone to share it with.

23.              Měl půlměsícové brýle, dlouhý křivý nos a volně splývající stříbrné vlasy, plnovous a knír.
He had half moon glasses, a long crooked nose and …...silver hair, a full beard and a…
He wore half-moon glasses, had a long, crooked nose, and flowing silver hair, beard, and mustache.

24.              Brumbál obzvlášť proslul svým vítězstvím nad zlým černokněžníkem Grindelwaldem v roce 1945, objevem dvanácti způsobů použití dračí krve a svými pracemi o alchymii, jež napsal spolu se svým přítelem Nicolasem Flamelem.
Dumbledore ….etc.
Considered by many the greatest wizard of modern times, Dumbledore is particularly famous for his defeat of the Dark wizard Grindelwald in 1945, for the discovery of the twelve uses of dragon’s blood, and his work on alchemy with his partner, Nicolas Flamel.
0 - no points, though I did get that it was an adverb that sort of has to do with the same kind of idea about describing the reality of a thing. But this should mean “in particular.”

25.              “George tvrdí, že taky jedl jednu, která chutnala jako holubi z nosu.”
“George hardened?/swore, that once he tasted one that tasted like a booger.”
George reckons he had a booger-flavored one once.”
1 - I guessed, “to swear” as in, to believe something and say it. That meaning is pretty much the same as “to claim” something.

26.              Harry vyzkoušel topinky, kokos, pečené boby, jahody, karí, trávu, kávu a sardinky, a dokonce našel odvahu uždibnout si i z jedné podivně šedé, které se Ron nechtěl ani dotknout, a ukázalo se, že chutná jako pepř.
Harry tried/tested toast? etc….and one that tasted like pepper
Topinky jsou křupavý, opečený nebo osmažený chléb, většinou se tak připravuje starší chleba, aby se spotřeboval a nepřišel na zmar, protože už je tvrdší.
Harry got toast, coconut, baked bean, strawberry, curry, grass, coffee, sardine, and was even brave enough to nibble the end off a funny gray one Ron wouldn’t touch, which turned out to be pepper.

27.              Krysa mu ještě pořád dřímala na klíně. him was still as good as...on the...
Dřímat = klimbat, podřimovat, zdřímnout si, usínat.
The rat was still snoozing on Ron’s lap.

28.              Chlapec, jenž hledal svého žabáka, se vrátil, ale teď s ním byla ještě jakási dívka, která se už stačila převléknout do nového bradavického hábitu.
The boy who was looking for his toad, came back, but now with him was another girl who was already dressed in her new Hogwarts robes.
She was already wearing her new Hogwarts robes.

29.              “Víš určitě, že to je opravdové zaklínadlo?” zeptala se dívka.
“Do you really think that you’ve….lost it?” asked the girl.
Zaklínadlo = zaříkadlo, magická formule.
“Are you sure that’s a real spell?” said the girl.

30.              “V Nebelvíru,” řekl Ron. Zdálo se, že se ho už zase zmocňuje zádumčivost.
“In Gryffindor,” said Ron. It seemed that he had once again....
Zádumčivost = ponoření se do sebe. Když je někdo zádumčivý, tak je melancholický, zasmušilý.
“Gryffindor,” said Ron. Gloom seemed to be settling on him again.
1 - I am awesome to have figured this out without the English word.

31.              “Jo,” řekl Ron. Zvrátil se dozadu a tvářil se sklesle.
“Yeah,” said Ron. He returned to...and looked....
Skleslost = stísněnost, sklíčenost, splín…
“Yeah,” said Ron. He flopped back into his seat, looking depressed.
1 - I am even awesomer to have gotten this one.

32.              Oba dva byli ramenatí a oba vyhlíželi velice zákeřně.
Both of them were ...and both looked very ...
Both of them were thickset and looked extremely mean.
1 - I am giving this to myself because the meaning I guessed was unfair or with harmful effects, but like...the dictionary is saying insidious. I had to look that word up. Treacherous, crafty...I am still not very sure how to use this word.

33.              Ron si zlehka odkašlal; možná tím chtěl zakrýt, že se zahihňal.
Ron ….maybe he wanted to...
Hihňání je chichotání, s kamarádkou si povídám a potutelně=potměšile, poťouchle, laškovně, šibalsky  se tomu smějeme…
Ron gave a slight cough, which might have been hiding a snigger.
.5 - I knew this was a kind of ridiculous sound that girls make. I did not realize it is a specific kind of high pitched laugh.

34.              “Díky, ale myslím, že sám dokážu posoudit, zač kdo stojí,” řekl chladně.
“Thanks, but I think I can judge for myself…” he said coldly.
Zač = kdo to je/za co…
“I think I can tell who the wrong sort are for myself, thanks,” he said coolly.
1 - I get what this means but not how to use it.

35.              Na prstu mu visela krysa Prašivka, malé ostré zoubky mu zabořila hluboko do jednoho článku - Crabbe a Malfoy spěšně couvali, zatímco Goyle vřískal a mával Prašivkou sem tam, a když krysa konečně odletěla a narazila do okna, všichni tři okamžitě zmizeli.
In his hand he had a….etc
Couvání = pohyb vzad, zpátky a pozadu, bez čelního obratu…
Scabbers the rat was hanging off his finger, sharp little teeth sunk deep into Goyle’s knuckle — Crabbe and Malfoy backed away as Goyle swung Scabbers round and round, howling, and when Scabbers finally flew off and hit the window, all three of them disappeared at once.
.5 - well, cars do back up. But so do people.

36.              “Myslím, že jí vyrazil dech,” řekl Ron Harrymu, ale pak si prohlédl Prašivku důkladněji.
“I think, that she…” said Ron to Harry, but then he looked at...
“I think he’s been knocked out,” Ron said to Harry. He looked closer at Scabbers.

37.              “O jejich rodině jsem už slyšel,” řekl Ron ponuře.
“I already heard about his family,” said Ron darkly?
Ponurý = skličující, depresivní, deprimující, chmurný, bezútěšný, pustý
“I’ve heard of his family,” said Ron darkly.

38.              Ron se na ni nasupeně díval, dokud neodešla.
Ron looked at her, as if she would not leave.
Nasupený = jevící se hněvivě, rozzlobený, nahněvaný…
Ron glared at her as she left.
1 - but my explanation is kind of lame.

39.              “Svá zavazadla nechte prosím ve vlaku, dopravíme je do školy zvlášť.”
“....please out of the train, we are arriving at the school.”
Zavazadlo = kufr.
“Please leave your luggage on the train, it will be taken to the school separately.”

40.              Po obou stranách byla taková tma, až si Harry říkal, že tam musí být hustý les.
On both sides it was so dark, that Harry said to himself that there must be a thick? forest.
It was so dark on either side of them that Harry thought there must be thick trees there.

41.              Hagrid zvedl svou obrovskou pěst a třikrát zabušil na hradní bránu.
Hagrid ...ed his horn? and blew three times on his...horn?
Hagrid raised a gigantic fist and knocked three times on the castle door.

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