Reworking the system over and over again is *really* fun.
But it is also a *really* big time waster.
I am trying to juggle the difficult task of balancing two really worthy projects that ultimately share the same goal: understanding my Czech ancestors. But the first project, the number one priority which eats up the majority of my limited computer time, is definitely to finish writing the Grundbücherbuch. I have to get this thing done. It is really important. It is somehow urgent. It will help many, many people to have better access to their roots. There is nothing like this book written out there.
Mám recht. I've spent the last decade looking for it. And guess what. When I couldn't find the book, it turned into writing it with probably the only person on this earth who could stand to teach me, my friend Lukáš.
This book has to get done. It is really important to me.
So. Instead of revamping my system again and again, I am just going to move forward with what I have, which is actually really good.
What is sort of silly is that I am just finishing up A4.5 but I have gathered the words through A4.10. Haha. In the next iteration - maybe when I finally get the guts to like, admit that maybe I am at a B1 level, at least when it comes to some topics (some really niche topics like nezakoupená usedlost hahaha), I will revamp the system again. For now I just have to persevere.
And set timers. I am going to give myself time limits to complete certain tasks, because if I don't, I will end up totally spilling my soul into the silly meta parts of this. For example, the time limit for this post is 7 minutes, which is nearing its completion.
One last note. After returning from a nice family vacation, we discovered that everybody except the 7 month old is infested with head lice. It is totally nasty. So I will do my best to get back on track, but this week I will be lucky if I can just survive the project of de-licing six people. Eugh....
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