Saturday, February 2, 2019

A4.3.35 meta

Gah! So close to the end of A4.3! But it's Friday night and no Czechs are (or should be) awake right now, due to the stupid time difference. I can't quite finish up all of my tasks tonight - will have to wait until Monday. I can write the meta post, though.

Here are my thoughts at the end of this week:

Documentation makes me feel like I'm accomplishing something, but the real work is probably more likely to be in step 2 of my crazy plan: the exposure. It is also one of the more enjoyable parts of the plan.

But it takes concerted effort, since I don't actually live anywhere near anybody who can speak Czech with me "live."

The internet is amazing. It is the reason this dream is even possible for me to hope to achieve, why it's worthwhile to pursue. I am so lucky to have been born on earth when I was. I think about that fact nearly every day. More than any of my ancestors, I have the possibility of achieving both dreams of being a great wife and mother as well as my niche-y intellectual pursuits. I am very lucky. My maternal instinct and faith would have made it impossible to choose the latter in another situation. But that's pretty much tautological reasoning. "In another situation, I would be different." Yes, because the situation changes us.

I slightly tweaked some of the tasks since my last meta post. I suspect that will be the constant in this optimization problem: change.

1not on a deviceDecide
2not on a deviceExposure : pády rote writing
3anywhere, phoneExposure: reading
4phoneExposure: film
5desktop, phoneExposure: conversation
6desktop, phoneExposure: translation
7desktopFind unknown words. Play around with them in the table.
8desktopGather unknown words in original contexts
9desktopDiscover their most common chunks
10desktopGather several new contexts
11desktopTranslate 10 examples
12desktopCorrect translation
13desktop, phone
14desktopLoad to Quizlet
15desktopQuizlet - Learn
16n/aNative speaker records themself
17phoneListen - Quizlet (flashcards)
18phoneListen - Quizlet (flashcards)
19desktopListen - Quizlet (flashcards)
20desktopRecord yourself
21desktopQuizlet české věty - test (psání)
22desktopQuizlet all the words (learn)
23phoneQuizlet all the words test (multiple choice)
24phoneQuizlet all the words test (true/false)
25phonetake 7 separate pády tests in the app
26desktopřeč do textu
27desktopuse in a sentence
28n/acorrect sentences
29desktop, phoneuse in a conversation
30n/atest creation
31desktop, phonefill in the blank test from a native speaking friend
32phonepády test
33desktopgather created test mistakes from * examples
34desktoptest corrections
35desktop, phonemeta

I color-coded the tasks this way: 
not on a devicephonedesktoplaptop

Oh, also:

ask for help

I have been trying to minimize the tasks which require asking for help. I can't find someone who is going to be the Czech teacher I'd ideally want - so I have to work with what I've got.

Next week I want to make a graph of all of my collaborators and more about my learning anxiety - but that will have to wait for a while.

Note that as of this writing, I have not figured out how to optimize any of the tasks on a laptop. I just deleted a long paragraph about that subject but it's not important and is slightly embarrassing so it got censored.

Looks like I'm about split between tasks on my phone and tasks on a computer.

You know what sucks?

The most fun tasks for me personally are all off of a device, because they involve actually physically interacting with people in the real world. Skype (or whatever videochatting software - skype is actually giving me lots of problems recently, Petr complains about it all the time, and Tom says it's sucking a lot, too. Hmm) - skype is the next best thing, if I can't have true immersion. Texting is a solid third. Reading is great, too - but it's missing the feedback/interactive component.

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